
Sustainably Successful

Starting in 2025, medium-sized companies will be required to provide extensive disclosures in their sustainability reporting. In principle, large corporations as defined under § 267 HGB, the German Commercial Code, are directly affected by the sustainability reporting requirements. However, it can also be beneficial for smaller companies to voluntarily include such information to meet the needs of the supply chain, investors, or companies.

Beyond the additional effort involved in reporting, there are many opportunities for businesses that operate sustainably. This can include attracting new customer segments or recruiting employees who value working for a company with a strong commitment to sustainability.

The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the EU Taxonomy Regulation, in particular, set out numerous detailed requirements for sustainability reporting.

We will guide you – sustainably successful.

Your contacts

Jonas Dettmers

Jonas Dettmers

Auditor, Tax Adviser, Sustainability AuditorIDW

Telephone: +49 (0)441 9710-164

Haimo Mader

Haimo Mader

Auditor, Tax Adviser, Sustainability AuditorIDW

Telephone: +49 (0)441 9710-117

Frank Reichelt

Frank Reichelt

Auditor, Tax Adviser, Sustainability AuditorIDW

Telephone: +49 (0)441 9710-313

Jan-Bernd Sanders

Jan-Bernd Sanders

Auditor, Tax Adviser, Sustainability AuditorIDW

Telephone: +49 (0)441 9710-233

Team Wirtschaftsprüfung der Treuhand Weser-Ems

A strong team

Openness and appreciation characterize us and our way of working just as much as goal orientation, structure and a high understanding of quality. With a clear head and a feel for what is feasible and essential, our team is dedicated to your challenges.

Bremen | Oldenburg | Wildeshausen | Telephone: +49 (0)441 9710-0