Legal Advice
Goal-oriented structuring and consistent enforcement of rights
This is becoming increasingly important in an ever more complex world. For this, you need a team of experienced and specialized lawyers who can implement your issues in an economically sensible and legally sound manner.
Our legal advice is provided by Treuhand Rechtsberatung Hochhäusler • Wurthmann & Partner, an independent partnership of lawyers. They offer consultation and support on corporate and commercial law issues, including representation of your interests in legal disputes. This allows you to focus entirely on your entrepreneurial concerns.
Areas of law
Employment law
- Contract design
- Remuneration and working time models
- Management board and director advice
- Company agreements and collective bargaining agreements
- Employee participation programmes
- Employee data protection
- Personnel leasing
- Restructuring, business handover
- Occupational pension pension
- Social security law
- Terminations, downsizing, short-time working
- Litigation
- Cross-border employment
- Insolvency-related employment law
Your contact: Verena Dietermann
Inheritance and donations
- Planning asset succession
- Wills/Inheritance contracts
- Power of attorney/Advance directives
- Inheritance disputes
- Execution of wills
- Tax optimisation
Your contacts: Ralf Hochhäusler, Jörg Walzer, Michael Wurthmann and Dr. Christian Hansen
Corporate law
- Advice from start-up to liquidation
- Planning articles of association
- Advice in the event of corporate law conflicts
- Advising directors and shareholders
- Conversion law and conversion tax law
Your contacts: Ralf Hochhäusler, Jörg Walzer, Michael Wurthmann and Dr. Christian Hansen
International Tax Law
- Taxation of foreign income
- Foreign tax law/Exit taxation
- Permanent establishments and subsidiaries domestically and abroad
- International value-added Tax
- Customs Law
- Employee Secondment
- Transfer pricing including documentation and planning
Your contacts: Claudia Averbeck, Heiko Günther
IT law
- IT contracts
- Domain right
- Privacy
- eCommerce
- Taxation of eCommerce
Contact: Alexander Hamminger
Mergers & acquisitions
- Planning and implementing of joint ventures
- Support when planning and managing an M&A transaction
- Contract initiation, Letters of Intent
- Corporate purchases and sales
- Corporate transformations and restructuring
- Due diligence
- Negotiating, planning and executing contracts
Your contacts: Jörg Walzer, Michael Wurthmann and Dr. Christian Hansen
Tax-privileged entities
- Advice on setting up e.g. tax-privileged corporations under German law (gGmbH, UG)
- Obtaining and retaining recognition as a tax-privileged corporation
- Restructuring such as mergers or asset transfers
- Ongoing legal and taxation advice on non-profit and donation law
- Advice on sponsoring tax-privileged entities
- (Tax) law support during tax audits and disputes in financial courts
Your contacts: Jörg Walzer, Dr. Christian Hansen
Foundation law/Association law
- Start-up advice, including official coordination in particular (foundation supervisory authority/association register)
- Ongoing advice on questions of foundation and association law (member meetings)
- Support when amending articles of association
- Foundations as succession instruments
Your contacts: Jörg Walzer, Dr. Christian Hansen
Public sector companies
- Comprehensive tax consulting for public sector companies
- Identification of businesses of a commercial nature
- Conversions and restructuring e.g. of municipal companies
- Training in taxation of the public sector
Your contact: Jörg Walzer
Corporate succession
- Advising business owners and their families
- Preparing, structuring and supporting corporate successions
- Contractual implementation and support of the transition
- Comprehensive advice on inheritance law, tax and corporation law
- Advice on selling and purchasing companies
Your contacts: Ralf Hochhäusler, Jörg Walzer, Michael Wurthmann and Dr. Christian Hansen
Contract law
- Advising, planning and checking contracts, in particular sales law, leasing law, tenancy law, patent law and distribution law
- Law of general terms and conditions
- Extrajudicial and judicial representation of interests
Your contact: Verena Dietermann, Alexander Hamminger
Dr. Christian Hansen
Lawyer, Tax Consultant, Specialist lawyer for tax law
Telephone: +49 441 9710-200
Treuhand Rechtsberatung
Hochhäusler • Wurthmann & Partner
Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB
Oldenburg I Bremen I +49 (0)441 9710-200