Public Sector 

Efficiency for the benefit of all

The objectives of the public sector and its companies are ambitious: achieving community-oriented work and citizen engagement while maintaining cost-effectiveness and efficiency. Additionally, federal and state governments have their own requirements to fulfill within the public sector. It’s no surprise that these contrasting demands raise many questions, requiring equally varied answers.

We have adapted to the diverse needs of public sector companies. Teams consisting of auditors, tax advisors, lawyers, management consultants, and IT experts collaborate to provide you with answers to all your questions.


Ina Pfeiffer


Auditor, Tax Adviser

Telephone: +49 (0)441 9710-0

Focus of activities:
  • Auditing and preparing annual financial statements for municipal and tax-privileged companies and entities
  • Drawing up consolidated financial statements in the municipal sector
  • Business consulting

Bremen | Oldenburg | Wildeshausen | Telephone: +49 (0)441 9710-0