Private Equity

Capital is the fuel of the economy

Germany is the growth engine of the EU and small and medium-sized enterprises are the engine of the German economy. Every engine needs fuel – and the private equity companies have it. They are therefore indispensable and that is a good thing. Private equity consistently focuses on the efficient positioning of German SMEs and the necessary internationalisation. The additional capital enables a realignment, the opening up of new markets, the sustainable concentration on future investments, digitalization and research & development.

We support private equity companies throughout the entire value chain – from due diligence to exit. In doing so, we ensure legal and tax requirements are met and that you have the necessary transparency in society in order to raise all optimization potentials.



Auditor, Tax Adviser
Head of Bremen location

Telephone: +49 (0)421 223087-62

Focus of activities:
  • Auditing of annual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB/IFRS)
  • Tax planning and tax design
  • Business consultancy
  • Finance Advisory – Support services for issues in accordance with IFRS and the German Commercial Code

Bremen | Oldenburg | Wildeshausen | Telephone: +49 (0)441 9710-0