Non-Profit Organizations

Ways and means for greater community

Non-profit organizations shape our society by addressing social issues and make an significant contribution to improving the lives of many people. However, whether they focus on care for the disabled or elderly, charitable institutions, sports clubs, companies, or institutions – they all face an almost insurmountable challenge: an expanding range of tasks must be accomplished with stagnant and partly declining funds. Furthermore, the dramatic increase in people requiring care, the decline in home-basded care, a pronounced shortage of skilled professionals, and simultaneously rising quality standard demand innovative organizational thinking and action. To overcome the legal, tax, and financial hurdles, one must be well-versed in the relevant legal regulations and special ordinances.

We deal extensively with the unique aspects of non-profit organizations. Dedicated teams from auditing, tax, legal, and management consulting, as well as IT consulting collaborate to provide you with answers to all of your questions.

Bremen | Oldenburg | Wildeshausen | Telephone: +49 (0)441 9710-0