Charitable Organisations

Ways and means for more togetherness

Charitable organisations shape our society by cooperating on social issues and make an important contribution to improving the lives of many people. But regardless of whether it concerns itself about care for the disabled or elderly, charitable institutions, sport clubs, organisations or institutions – they all face an almost insoluble conflict: a growing range of tasks need to be carried out with stagnating and partly declining funds. In addition, the explosive rise in the number of people requiring care, the decline in household care, pronounced shortage of skilled labour and a simultaneous rise in quality demands, challenge organisational thoughts and deeds. In order to tackle the legal, tax and financial hurdles you face, you have to know the legal regulations and special ordinances.

We deal intensively with the particular features of charitable organisations. Corresponding teams from auditing, tax consulting, legal advice, management consulting and IT counsulting work together to answer your questions.

Bremen | Oldenburg | Wildeshausen | Telephone: +49 (0)441 9710-0